Baritone Chord Focus - F Major
Today I am starting a new theme, especially for the baritone ukulele called 'Baritone Chord Focus'.
This looks at the more complex chords on the baritone, which some people may be tempted to avoid. This aims to help build up your knowledge of chords to expand your repertoire.
I am hoping this will be a weekly segment whereby I will share a complex chord and a progression to enable you to practice the chord changes.
Overtime the chosen chords will be more unusual. However, To start us off, we're focusing on one of the most common complex chords for the baritone - F Major.
The chord progression is C-G-Am-F

This was the first ever chord progression I learnt on my ukulele and is very popular amongst beginners. However, the F Major chord on the bari is much more complex than on a standard ukulele (tuned G-C-E-A). This chord progression opens up a long list of songs to play as noted by Uke Go - Which is linked here.
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